We’re incredibly proud of the cannabis extracts we craft. Even so, our greater mission is to lead the way for medicinal cannabis research and ensure the highest quality products are accessible to anyone in need. After all, if you’re set on raising the bar for an entire industry, you need to make more than promises. You need to make a difference.


We create and sell superior-quality extracts. But truly getting better means doing so together. Which is why what we make is a means to a more significant end. We’re committed to being a trusted partner to anyone who is suffering or working to eliminate that suffering. Our success isn’t measured in sales, but rather, in the number of people we comfort, in the social policies we help to enact, and in the medical research and breakthroughs we are proud to sponsor.


We firmly hold education at the heart of our core values. We ensure that our medical researchers have the resources and freedom needed to continue to unravel the complexities and further pursue the benefits of cannabis. We provide our patients and customers with all the information they need to safely appreciate and enjoy our extracts to the fullest. As the industry leader, we know that getting better means doing more. This drives us, together — with our employees, partners, and customers — to continually strive for a better world.